ranch land




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1·I will give you some land and the old house in the back of the ranch if you keep the horse there.
2·Among the first things they did when they took ownership was to try to claim a county road that passes their property, erecting a sign that identified their land as "Thunder Mountain Ranch."
3·The Lava Lake Land &Livestock ranch has pioneered the nonlethal management of wolves.
4·Firefighters have gotten control of a wildfire that started this weekend near Midland, Texas, but not before it destroyed more than 30 homes and burned more than 6,000 hectares of ranch and farm land.
5·The ranch is located on almost six thousand hectares of land in Voronezh in the black earth area of southern Russia.
6·The value of real estate depends on the quality of the public infrastructure, and California's crisis makes the land that Tejon Ranch owns less desirable.
地产的价值依附于当地公共设施软硬件的整体水平,而目前加州的危机实在让人对Tejon Ranch的房产提不起兴趣。
7·According to its production and management style, it can be divided into three management modes, that is, ranch, farmland and the land around the temples.
8·In 1865, George began to accumulate parcels of land by obtaining 46,000 acres of the Piedra Blanco Ranch on California's Central Coast.
9·The Model 9G machine is mainly used for cutting and cleaning the grasses on in on the shrubby and grass land, renovating or reforming the ranch.
10·Farmer Rod Thomas saw flames more than 11 meters high tear through his cattle ranch near the town of Yea, destroying about 80 percent of the land and many buildings.
农场主rod Thomas看见了超过11米高的火舌在他yea城镇附近的家畜农场里疯狂地肆虐着。毁灭着超过大约80%的土地,还有许多建筑。
更新时间:2025-02-23 03:09